Excess Salivation

Excess Salivation-your salivary glands produce more saliva than normal. If the extra saliva than normal begins to accumulate, it may begin to drip out of your mouth unintentionally.

In children and adults, drooling of saliva may be a sign of an underlying condition.

Excess salivation can be temporary or chronic depending on the cause.

 Such as if you’re having any infection in your mouth it may produce more saliva to help flush out the bacteria and infection.

Excess salivation stops once the infection or underlying cause has been successfully treated.

Constant hyper salivation can affects muscle control.

What causes excess salivation?

  • Temporary hyper salivation is caused by dental cavities, infection, gastroesophageal reflux, pregnancy, certain tranquilizers and anticonvulsant drugs, exposure to toxins, such as mercury.
  •  In these cases, hyper salivation typically goes away after taking proper treatment and oral care.
  • Women who are pregnant having excess salivation typically see a decrease in symptoms after childbirth.
  • Constant hyper salivation is caused by chronic health conditions that affect muscle control.
  • When you have affected muscle control, it can affect your ability to swallow, which cause to saliva build-up.
  • This can result from: malocclusion, enlarged tongue, intellectual disability, facial nerve palsy, Parkinson’s disease
  • If you left hypersalivation untreated, it can affect your ability to speak or swallow food and drink.


Some home remedies may be beneficial for temporary relief, but in chronic cases it requires advanced treatment.

Certain medications can help to decrease saliva formation. Glycopyrrolate is a common medication. This drug blocks nerve impulses to the salivary glands so that they secrete less saliva.


Your doctor may give you botulinum toxin injection in case of  hyper salivation is constant.


In severe cases, it can be treated with surgery on the major salivary glands. They will recommend you that the glands be removed completely or relocated so that the saliva is released in the back of the mouth where it can be easily swallowed.

Radiation therapy

If surgery isn’t a best option, your dentist may recommend radiation therapy on the major salivary glands. The radiation causes dry mouth by decreasing saliva secretion.

Visit us at bestorthodontistbracespune.in to know more.