Do’s and don’ts after tooth extraction

Do’s and don’ts after tooth extraction- Tooth extraction is very common for adults or children whether it is because of decay, trauma, overcrowding etc.

Knowing how to take care at the site of extraction after tooth removal is very essential.

At world class dental clinic, we believe that knowledge is power and it is important to understand the post-extraction instructions.

Do’s and don’ts after tooth extraction

Do’s after tooth extraction

• Use gauze to stop bleeding and promote clotting: After the removal of your tooth, the dentist will send you home with the gauze packed over the extraction site. This helps to stop bleeding and helps in clot development.

• Get plenty of rest: Your body needs rest to heal after tooth extraction.

It is important for you to take rest for the first 24 hours and avoid any strenuous activity for the next 48 hours after tooth extraction.

• Take your prescribed medication: Take the medication prescribed by your dentist for any possible infection or pain.

• Use ice pack for swelling: Apply ice pack externally on your face to help reduce selling if needed.

• Eat soft food: Food can irritate the extraction site hence, for the first 24 hours or 48 hours stick to the soft diet.

Also avoid chewing from the side of extraction site.

Don’ts after tooth extraction

• Do not spit: There is increase in saliva production and blood after tooth extraction, while spitting may seem like a simple solution, spitting places pressure on the mouth and can affect blood clotting.

• Do not use straw: Using straw causes sucking action which may dislodge the formed clot leading to prolonged healing.

• Do not Smoke: The chemicals found in tobacco can affect blood clotting after tooth extraction and increase the risk of developing dry socket.

Hence, you should restrict smoking for at least 48 hours after extraction.

• Avoid probing the extraction site with your tongue: It may feel odd to have open space, where once you had tooth avoid probing your tongue at that site.

This can dislodge the healing clot and increase the risk of dry socket.

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