Fluorides are effective materials in the control of dental caries, which can both benefit the prevention and treatment.
• Fluoride application- The topical way to use fluoride is to apply fluoride directly to the surface of the tooth. It is a double-edged sword.
• On the one hand, this method can increase the topical concentration of fluoride quickly and make fluoride play a better role in prevention and treatment.
• The common ways to use fluoride topically are through fluoride toothpaste, fluoride mouth rinse, fluoride varnish, fluoride gel, and fluoride foam.
• Younger than 6 years children is at low-risk patients in this group may receive no benefit from topical fluoride application.
• Fluoride toothpaste may provide them adequate prevention. High-risk patients should receive fluoride varnish applications at 3 to 6 month intervals
Fluorides can be delivered as topical and systemic fluorides.
- Topical fluorides- These are placed directly on teeth. It allow for interaction fluoride and the mineral in tooth.
- Systemic fluoride- They circulate in blood stream and incorporated in developing teeth.
Topical fluorides divided into professionally and self-applied.
• Professionally applied fluoride is preventing caries that is frequently used in private practice.
• It includes varnishes, gel and foam.
• It is more effective against smooth surface caries than occlusal caries.
• Fluoride varnish are effective and can be recommended for caries prevention in permanent teeth.
• To maximize fluoride uptake, gels should be applied for 4 minutes. The frequency of fluoride application depends on individual risk.
• Self-applied fluoride –You can apply specific amount of fluoride at home by yourself.
• A 10 mL volume should be swished around the mouth vigorously once each day for one minute before going to the bed and then expectorated.
• Patients should not rinse afterwards for 30 minutes.
• It includes toothpaste, mouthwash and gel.
• It is most convenient and preferable method.
Indication of fluoride application are as follows-
- Caries active individual those who with past caries experience and those who develop new carious lesion.
- Patient with mentally and physically challenged.
- After periodontal surgery after roots are exposed.
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