What are band and loop space maintainers exactly?
Primary dentition preserve space for permanent dentition
Diverse dietary pattern children are more susceptible to dental caries then result in premature loss of primary teeth means there will be extra space in teeth
Therefore necessitating placement of space maintainer
Space maintainers guide the eruption of permanent teeth and obviate need for complex orthodontic treatment later
The most commonly used fixed space maintainer is the band and loop space maintainer It is used in majority of patients requiring single tooth space maintaince in both primary and mixed dentition
The band and loop space maintainer is easy to construct and economical and It requires less visits to dental clinic

How it placed?
Dentist would first assess the presence or absence of permanent teeth
They would determine the permanent teeth while measurements will be taken to find out the space needed by its successional tooth
Dentist would select the band fit for the patients need
A performed stainless steel band will be pushed into the space to fit snugly
Pressure may be felt as it is needed to fit the band tightly to the position
Impression is also done to create an effective fabrication of the band and loop
Once it is satisfactory, the band is removed along with impression to start fabrication of loop then dental stone should be poured and molded, so loop can take its shape
The band and loop will now be ready to be installed into area of the missing tooth

Caring for space maintainers
Band and loop space maintainers are temporary appliance that is wore from 6 months to 8 years
Visits to your dentist to ensure spacers stability and oral hygiene,looseness as well as discomfort
It is also necessary to dentist should see eruption of new tooth to assess its working successfully to know more