Women’s health and smile makeover

Women are concerned about their appearance the same way they are concerned about their health. Smile makeover not only have the ability to beautify your smile, but can also help improve the function of your teeth.

If you have TMJ symptoms such as pain in jaw or headache, smile makeover can align your teeth with the help of braces or aligners to help your jaw rest in comfortable position.

Having a healthy jaw cannot only eliminate painful symptoms, but can also help support active lifestyle. When the jaw is in healthy position, it encourages proper alignment of the muscles and bones of the neck and spine as your jaw is an important brace for muscles in head and neck region. This helps them work efficiently so you can enjoy improved balance and strength.

With the smile makeover we can align your teeth and reconstruct your smile at any age. It can be designed to look natural for your current age, so you won’t have to give up your air of experience for your new smile.
Methods to align your teeth are through Braces or Aligners.

Different types of braces available in Pune are metal braces, ceramic braces and lingual braces
Metal braces are highly visible braces and can make some people feel self-conscious. Ceramic braces are slightly invisible as they are teeth colour braces. Lingual braces are invisible as they are placed on the inner surface of the teeth but they can be painful and may cause injury to the tongue. Braces treatment cost may vary on the type of braces you choose but the range in Pune for braces starts from 30,000/-

Aligners are highly popular as they are invisible and the treatment is painless unlike braces. They are removable hence, it is easy to maintain good oral hygiene and no food restriction so you can eat whatever your heart desires. The costing for aligner in Pune starts from 60,000/- , you can visit www.phialigner.com to know more
Hence, you can get your Smile makeover done at affordable price, with the choice of your appliance.

World class dental clinic provides best services for all dental problems and is famous for its orthodontic procedures, as it provides best solutions for patient and has award winning orthodontist. World class dental clinic uses latest technologies such as clear aligner for teeth alignment.

Visit our website to know more: bestorthodontistbracespune.in