To keep your braces in the best shape, and keep your treatment time on track, follow these DOs and DON’Ts for as long as you’re wearing braces.

The Dos and Don’ts of Braces

Do continue to brush your teeth regularly. Brush at least three times a day; it’s even better if you can brush after every meal and snack, so that food doesn’t get caught in your braces. It’s important to keep both the surface of your teeth and your braces clean.

Don’t forget to floss. While flossing is more involved with braces, it’s still incredibly important in keeping your teeth and gums healthy, and it shouldn’t be ignored. Use a floss threaded (a small loop made of plastic) to guide the floss behind the wire so you can floss fully.

Do follow your orthodontist’s instructions, including wearing elastic bands (if you have them) for the hours prescribed.

Don’t skip orthodontic appointments. It’s important to see your orthodontist regularly during care. If you skip appointments, you could be adding time onto your treatment, and no one wants that.

Do tell your orthodontist if you’re involved in sports like football, rugby, and hockey, so you can get a protective mouth guard fitted to protect your braces and your teeth.

Don’t worry if you feel mild discomfort after an orthodontist visit. Tightening braces can lead to mild, temporary pain that will go away on its own or can be treated with an over-the-counter painkiller. If a wire is poking into your cheek and causing discomfort, use wax on the end to make it more comfortable.

Do call your orthodontist’s office immediately if a bracket comes loose. This is something that should be fixed sooner rather than later.

Don’t skip regular dentist visits while you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment. Keeping your teeth clean is important, so schedule visits every six months while your braces are on.

Do avoid foods that can harm your braces or can be very difficult to clean, including:

  • Sticky and chewy foods like caramels, candies, and gum.
  • Crunchy foods like nuts, popcorn, and hard pretzels.
  • Foods you bite into like corn on the cob, apples, carrots, and ice cubes.
  • Drinks like soft drinks, energy drinks, and juices, which are full of sugar.

Don’t chew on pens, pencils, fingernails, and other objects.

Do smile!


When wearing braces, it is important to follow specific guidelines and instructions. As annoying as they may be, these instructions are crucial to an effective treatment and keeping everything on track. While wearing braces, remember to:

  • Brush teeth after every meal to ensure that food particles do not remain trapped in between the brackets and wires.
  • Drink plenty of water since this will help to keep teeth clean and ensure that the mouth remains moist.
  • Carry a pic to remove food particles that become trapped and are not removed by brushing alone.
  • Floss daily.
  • Cut food into smaller pieces to make it easy to eat, such as apples or a sandwich.
  • Eat softer foods and steam or cook vegetables that would be too crunchy eaten raw.
  • Maintain a healthy and well-balanced diet.


Along with a list of instructions for what you need to do, there is a list of instructions for what you must not do when wearing braces. If you are wearing braces, then remember to not:

  • Eat crunchy nuts.
  • Eat crunchy raw vegetables that could put pressure on the bracket or break the wires.
  • Chew on sugary gum.
  • Drink soda.
  • Drink juice that is high in sugar.
  • Eat candy, especially hard candy.
  • Eat an unhealthy diet that is high in sugar and processed carbohydrates.
  • Eat food that is highly acidic, even if it is natural since acidic foods and drinks can lead to enamel erosion.
  • Skip teeth brushing – ever.

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