Trauma to teeth and facial structures- Traumatic injuries can occur due to the sports related injury, a motor vehicle accident, or even something as simple as a fall.
Common injuries involving the facial structures:
• Soft tissue injuries – This type of injuries include both simple and complex lacerations of the facial area.
They are repaired using a layered cosmetic closure with sutures.
They should be taken seriously, because if they are deep enough, they can also affect the nerves of the face and salivary glands.
• Bone injuries – This type of injuries effect the bones in the facial region, which includes the jaw, cheek, and the delicate bones around the eyes and nose.
The surgeons have the experience and knowledge to repair bone fractures and keep the bone stable while it heals in order to maintain your facial appearance.
• Teeth and mouth injuries – Trauma to the teeth and gums requires a multi-step treatment plan.
If root canal is needed, an endodontistis required , while fractured teeth may need to be treated by a restorative dentist.
An oral surgeon is needed to re-plant displaced teeth or repair bone fractures.
Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are specialised in the diagnoses and treatment of facial injuries.
Causes injuries of face can affect the upper jaw, lower jaw, cheek, nose, eye socket, or forehead. They are caused by blunt force or be the result of a wound.
Common causes trauma to teeth and facial structures
• Car and motorcycle crashes or accidents
• Wounds
• Sports injuries
• Violence
Symptoms include:
• Changes in feelings over the face
• Double vision or blur vision
• Missing teeth
• Swelling or bruising around the eyes
Exams and Tests
• Nasal obstructions
• lacerations
• Bruising
• Improperly aligned teeth
The following suggest bone fractures:
• Imbalanced feelings on the cheek
• Irregularities of the face
A CT scan of the head and bones of the face may be done for accurate diagnosis and treatment plan of the trauma to the face and facial structures
Surgery is needed if the injury prevents normal functioning or causes a major deformity.
The aim of treatment is to:
• Control bleeding
• Create a clear airway
• Treat the fracture and fix broken bone segments
• Prevent scars
• Rule out other injuries
Treatment should be performed as soon as possible if the person is stable and does not have a neck fracture.
Most people do good with proper treatment.
Other surgery may be needed in 6 to 12 months to correct changes in appearance.
Complications include:
• Bleeding
• Uneven face
• Infection
• Brain and nervous system problems
• Numbness or weakness
• Loss of vision or double vision
Always Wear seat belts while driving
Use protective head gears or helmets when doing work or activities that could injure the face.
Visit us at bestorthodontistbracespune.in to know more.