Impact of sugar on children teeth- Consuming too much sugar can cause tooth decay, but you may not be aware of exactly how that happens.
It not so much the sugar itself that causes damage but no dissolve the minerals that make the enamel, the outer layer protecting teeth strong.
As it feeds, it will quickly multiply, forming plaque and produce acid. This acid destroys the tooth enamel.
Cavities are essentially a bacterial infection created by these acid forming a hole in the teeth.
If left untreated, cavities are able to progress beyond the enamel deeper into the tooth, causing pain and possibly tooth loss.
How to avoid Impact of sugar on children teeth-
- Fluoride is a natural mineral that not only can prevent tooth decay, but can also reverse it in its early stage.
It often added to community water systems as well as most toothpastes, so be sure your child is drinking plenty of water and brushes regularly with fluoridated toothpaste.
- Brushing regularly:- The most effective way of removing plaque from the teeth is by brushing regularly and thoroughly.
Using the appropriate amount of fluoride tooth paste for their age, show your child how to brushback and forth along the front, back and top of the teeth in 45 degrees angulation, for atleast 2minutes twice a day for the best results.
3)Flossing:-Plaque not only attacks the visible surface of the tooth, it also accumulates in between them.by teaching your child to floss daily, you’ll be helping them break up all that plaque and remove it before it can cause cavities or eventual gum disease.
3)Drink more water:-Not only will it keep them hydrated, it is good for their body, and also great for their oral health.
Water is also helpful in keeping saliva plentiful, providing natural defense against plaque acids.
4)Avoid sugar filled foods and drinks:-Dental health and diet go hand in hand.
Sugary foods can set the bacteria in your mouth, creating decay producing acid that is harmful to their teeth. Drinks like soda, fruit juice, and sports drinks are acidic.
5)Make regular dental checkup appointments:-Regular professional evaluations with your child’s dentist for the health of their teeth and gums, a routine cleaning and examination is recommended every six months.
Visit us at bestorthodontistbracespune.in to know more.